Linux Archives - Experiencing Technology Tinned-Software Blog Mon, 06 May 2019 21:28:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MacOS Dash alternative for Linux Mon, 06 May 2019 21:28:12 +0000 The handy utility Dash – Offline access to documentation is sadly only available for MacOS, but there are compatible alternatives available to let you browse documentation offline on Linux. Zeal – offline documentation browser Dash being a MacOS only Application … Continue reading

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apt – install the package that contains a specific file Mon, 19 Jun 2017 11:29:30 +0000 Sometimes a command that you execute complains about a dependency being missing on the system. From the file name in the error message it is often not possible to know exactly which package needs to be installed to resolve the … Continue reading

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Replace hard disk from software RAID Mon, 25 May 2015 19:58:33 +0000 A hard disk is one of those components that will fail at some point in time. To protect against data loss in such a situation you might have already configured a RAID array. Eventually, you’ll have to replace a malfunctioning hard disk, … Continue reading

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Remove a range of lines from a huge file Fri, 10 Oct 2014 08:42:11 +0000 When you have to deal with a huge file containing gigabytes of data and need to delete a range of lines from it, opening it with a text editor can be a fatal mistake. As an example, in this post I will demonstrate how to delete a whole database out of a huge SQL dump without messing around with a text editor. Continue reading

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Access the internet from server without direct connection Fri, 01 Aug 2014 14:39:39 +0000 When two servers are connected to each other but only one server has access to the internet, it is always complicate to connect to the server without internet connection as well as you need internet connectivity to update/install packages from the repositories. Here is how you get ride of all the restriction to work comfortable even with the server that has no direct internet access. Continue reading

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Change file time on Linux or Mac OS X Fri, 19 Apr 2013 17:49:35 +0000 Changing the date of a file under Linux or Mac OS X can be quite a challenge. As far as I know both do not provide a UI (User Interface) option to do this out of the box, but what both operating systems do provide are the tools needed to do it in the console. I wanna show how ... Continue reading

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SPF and multiple domain mailserver Wed, 20 Mar 2013 10:04:58 +0000 We all hate spam, right? I think you all know the annoying emails, but what is worse than receiving emails? How about when emails you send to someone are for some reason detected as spam? This happened to me recently. … Continue reading

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